Out of School Hours Care
For more than 29 years Camp Australia has delivered high quality and affordable After School Care programs that nurture and support children’s development. Programs which provide time for homework, time to relax, educational activities and a healthy snack.
At Knox Park Primary School the program operates during the following times:
Before Care: 7.00 to 8.45am
After Care: 3.30 to 6.00pm
Holiday Club: 7.00 to 6.00pm
If you have any questions please contact Camp Australia on 1300 105 343 or go to
Knox Park Primary School dress code, as outlined in the Uniform Policy, aims to promote a sense of school identity and pride that is associated with our student uniform. Our dress code ensures that our children’s appearance reflects the expectations of our school community and enhances the school profile and identity within the wider community.
The student dress code does not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnic group, nationality, religious beliefs, colour or disability. It ensures that our children are appropriately and safely dressed for a range of activities, including Physical Education. A choice of clothing within the uniform range is provided and ensures that the range, quality and choice of garments, their cost and availability take into account the capacity of parents/carers to provide them. This includes providing second-hand options in the school’s Uniform Shop where possible.
The Uniform Shop is open on the first Tuesday morning of each month from 9.00am to 9.30am in the 3/4 Building for sizing and sale of second hand uniform.
New school uniform is sold online from RH Sports – Knox Park Primary School – RH Sports
Or visit the retail store at – RH Sports – Unit 14/100 New Street, Ringwood – Phone- 9870 1377
Parents Association
One of the strengths of Knox Park Primary School is the strong partnership between home and school. The Parents Association fulfill a critical role in supporting the school. Many services are run by the Parents Association including fundraising and organising various community services and events. If you would like to join the Parents’ Association please contact the school office for more information.
School Council
School Council has a vital role in the running of the school. Our aim is to provide an environment in which the children at Knox Park Primary School are given the best possible education, whilst at the same time creating an atmosphere, which all members of the school community can participate in and enjoy. Knox Park is committed to keeping parents, staff and students fully informed of all aspects of the management of our school. Parents are encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life, including School Council Subcommittees. If you wish to join School Council or a subcommittee please contact the school office.
Parent Payments
Knox Park Primary School uses Compass for all parent permissions, payments and parent contributions. For further information please refer to the Department’s Parent Payments Policy
A letter for each year level outlining Parent Contributions for 2023 is shared via Compass but can also be found here Parent Payments 2023
Other Parent Involvement
If you don’t have time to regularly commit to our Parents’ Association or School Council we are always looking for helpers at working bees and other whole school events. Helpers will be called upon throughout the year via Compass.