School Tours
To arrange a tour of our wonderful school, please contact the office on 03 9763 6533.
School tours are by appointment only. Please contact the office.
You will be welcomed by our Principal Mr Mark Hanson, as he shows you our impressive grounds and amazing teaching staff. You will hear detailed descriptions of our teaching and learning programs and philosophic approach to educating the whole child.
Enrolling @ KPPS
This year our school will use an online system for new enrolments in some Victorian Government Schools. All primary schools in Inner East and Outer East areas of the North East Victoria Region are using this online system. Schools that are not part of the online enrolment program in 2024 will continue to use paper-based application forms.
The online system will be available for parents who are applying to enrol their child in Foundation (Prep). An application form can be completed on laptops, PC’s and mobile phones. The online system will also allow you to upload documented proof of residential address.
It is important to note that the placement policy is followed by all government schools. Your chances of being offered a place in the schools you apply for are not advantaged or disadvantaged by using this system.
Victorian government school enrolments for Foundation (Prep) for the 2025 school year will open from Monday 15 April 2024, the start of Term 2. Families are asked to submit enrolment applications by Friday 26 July 2024. Children must turn 5 by April 30 to begin Foundation in that year.
Placements in these year levels are limited. For further information refer to the Department’s Placement Policy You can find your designated neighbourhood Government School here: Find My School
Please contact the office if you have any further enquiries or you wish to book a school tour.
We look forward to welcoming you into our school!
The transition from Kinder to Primary School is one of the most important milestones in a child’s life.
Knox Park Primary School focuses on developing a strong sense of community where all are valued. As such, the kinder-school transition program aims to ensure that the preschool children enrolled for the coming year and their parents feel part of our school community as they start their educational journey. We offer a carefully planned Transition Program which involves a variety of activities. Details are available upon enrolment.
Some things to try at home to support your child’s transition to school are;
- reading with your child
- teaching them songs and nursery rhymes
- playing with letters and numbers
- taking children on excursions
- creating regular opportunities for them to play with their friends and other children.
The transition from Kinder to Primary School is one of the most important milestones in a child’s life.
Knox Park Primary School focuses on developing a strong sense of community where all are valued. As such, the kinder-school transition program aims to ensure that the preschool children enrolled for the coming year and their parents feel part of our school community as they start their educational journey. We offer a carefully planned Transition Program which involves a variety of activities. Details are available upon enrolment.
Some things to try at home to support your child’s transition to school are;
- reading with your child
- teaching them songs and nursery rhymes
- playing with letters and numbers
- taking children on excursions
- creating regular opportunities for them to play with their friends and other children.
Beginning School
During the summer holidays
- Talk to your child about school; a place where he/she will meet lots of other children, make friends and take part in fun learning experiences, listen to stories, make things etc.
- Show your child where the school is and talk about how you will get there.
- Arrange play-times with other families whose children will be going to the same school as your child. It helps if your child knows another child at their school at the start of Foundation.
- Practise the things your child will need to do to get ready for school (e.g. putting things in their bag, remembering to take a hat).
- Confirm your before or after school care arrangements. Show your child where the outside school hours care facilities are and talk about how they will get there. Nb. At Knox Park PS Camp Australia staff accompany Foundation students to after school care.
- Be positive about starting school and enjoy your child’s excitement.
- Visit your local library and read books with your child about starting school.
The first day of school
- Make sure your child knows who will take them to school and pick them up on the first day.
- Help your child to organise their clothes, hat, shoes and socks the night before and show your child where you have written their name on their belongings.
- Help your child to pack their school bag.
- Place a spare pair of underpants and a change of clothes in a plastic bag. Let your child know these clothes are in their bag in case of any accidents at school.
- Put sunscreen on your child in the morning if it is needed.
- Show your child where you will meet them at the end of the school day.
- At the end of the day talk to your child about what happened at school.
What to bring on the first day . . . .
- School bag and school uniform
- Drink bottle
- Fruit, snack and lunch
- School sun hat (compulsory for all outside activities in Term 1 and 4)
- Art smock
- Library bag
- Spare underwear
*Please ensure all items are named
School Readiness
How do you know if your child is ready for school? Your child has got a whole year and the rest of their schooling to learn their colours or to count to 100, however they won’t learn anything unless they are emotionally ready to begin school. The key areas of maturity and development are social and emotional. Some of the questions you can ask yourself before sending your child to school are;
- Can they make an independent decision and follow through on this?
- Do they have ideas of their own?
- Can they follow two or three instructions at the same time?
- Can they move on to new activities easily?
- Do they separate well from their carer?
- Do they show interest in other kids?
- Do they interact with other children?
- Can they recognise and express their feelings and needs?
- Can they concentrate on a task?
- How do they deal with frustration?